티스토리 뷰

Illustration Now! Portraits - Taschen 말 그대로 2011년 핫 일러스트를 담아 놓은 책. Rump, Drawing, Watercolor, Grapgic, Pencil 등 다양한 기법을 기반으로 한 여러 스타일이 공존하는 책이라 참고용으로는 좋지만 개인적으로 선호하는 스타일이 많이 없어 아쉬웠던 책. (사진은 개인 취향의 것만 올렸다.) 요즘 유행하는 미완성의 , 그리다 만 그림체를 선호하는 사람들에게는 좋을 듯..
The spectrum of today s portraiture, from caricature to realism

The field of illustration has flourished over the last decade, with professionals working both by computer and by hand. In illustration, the single most challenging and captivating subject has been the portrait, frequently used in editorials, advertising, products, and most recently, being the subject of major exhibitions. The book gathers together the exclusive (and frequently unpublished) portrait work of over 80 illustrators from all over the world, many of whom were featured in Illustration Now!, including Aaron Jasinski, Alex Gross, Andre Carrilho, Andrea Wicklund, and Anita Kunz.